Reflective supervision: a quality boost for every coach

Reflective Coach Super-vision: a quality boost for every coach!

I truly believe every coach has a passion for growth. This is what we cultivate with ourselves while we facilitate others in their growth journey.

Coach training and new methods are inspiring ways to keep growing ourselves. And yet … we have after our coachings there may be a lot of unanswered questions. We may have a vague feeling of ‘I could have done it differently but I don’t know how. Or sometime we notice we don’t look forward to a session with a specific client and we don’t quite understand why that is.  These are the reasons why reflective coach supervision exist!

What do you discuss in reflective coach supervisions?

These are the questions that you bring to reflective coach supervision. You discuss cases, dilemma’s, recurring themes related to coaching clients. The supervisor listens to your story from a meta-perspective, or one might say, from a super-perspective. He scans together with you what could be playing in the background through which you had less free choices in altering your behaviours or addressing your feelings. The coach supervisor inspires you with new perspectives and supports you with practical tips whenever this may be fruitful.

If you join a group supervision, you will receive super-perspectives from other group members as well.

Once you have tasted from supervision, it becomes a SUPER-vision, a joyful experience to reflect in-depth with other professional coaches, inspiring each other, feeling the empatny and the recognition for your challenges. It is a SUPER experience to notice that both supervisor and coaches are eager to discover what could be optimised in the coaching practise to even better serve the client and his organisation.

The ICF (Internationale Coach Federation) asks  every certified coach to renew their certificate every 3 years and thereby proof minimum 10 hours of mentor-coaching. You can receive a valid attest to renew your ICF credential.


Are you becoming curious to explore what reflective supervision could offer you, then book a free 30 minutes virtual meeting with me via this link!  

Or watch the upcoming dates for group supervision at: