What is the added value of an accredited coach supervisor?
An accredited supervisor has been assessed on applying multiple roles during supervision in a conscious way. The main focus of the coach supervisor is to enhance reflection about quality and sustainability in the coaching profession, for you as a coach, the client or coachee and his organisation.
This means the supervisor has three (four) concrete roles for the coach supervisor:
(1) restorative, supportive, empathetic, encouraging role during moments of stress and uncertainties. A supervisors starting belief is that you always have a "positive intent beyond every behaviour". We believe everyone unconsciously tries to protect ourself against something that may be unconsciously threatening to us.
(2) a developmental role in which he will inspire you with methods and ideas, offering your challenging questions to review your perspective. Creating a higher awareness will lead to a broader basis of choice. This role is resembling most at the role of the mentor-coach.
(3) A guardian or normative role in which s/he will share his/her alertness for ethical and professional boundaries and standards. Constructive feedback will show you the way forward to the next level in your learning path.
(4) During reflective group supervisions, an additional role of facilitating the group dynamics may be part of his/her role.